About Membership
Contributions and dues to the Driftwood Historical Conservation Society, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are tax-deductible as allowed by law for computing income and estate taxes. All membership levels are eligible for a plastic yard sign. At the $100 level and above, members are eligible for a metal yard sign. Business members are eligible for inclusion on the Interactive Map.
We have adopted an annual membership renewal based on the anniversary of the member's joining DHCS. If you join in August, your renewal date will come the following August, for example. This will allow a new member a full year's membership regardless of when they join. We appreciate your support whenever and however it happens!
Your support and contributions will help us to meet our goal of preserving and enhancing Driftwood's rural beauty, heritage, sense of community and belonging. To become a member or renew a membership by Paypal, please click the Paypal button. To mail in membership dues, please use the form at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions, need more information, or would like to get involved in our mission, send an email to membership@driftwoodhcs.org.
Household Membership Levels
The Cicero Rufus Perry Rangers -- $25 "Old Rufe" Perry carried dispatches for Sam Houston during the Texas Revolution when he was only 13. He later fought Indians as a Texas Ranger under the command of John Coffee Hays. He and his wife Margaret lived on the banks of Onion Creek near what is now Camp Ben McCulloch and had four children. He died in Johnson City in 1898 where he had practiced law.
The Ben Milam Colonists -- $50 Benjamin Milam, hero of the Texas Revolution, obtained five Mexican land grants in 1826. The grants required him to establish a colony of 300 industrious families in the area that included Driftwood. There were less than 100 colonists when Milam died in the Siege of Bexar, but the Driftwood colonists received their grants in 1835.
The Thomas Martin Postmasters -- $100 Thomas Martin was a cotton farmer who came to the Driftwood area in 1881 and built a two-story home near Onion Creek. He built the first cotton gin and grist mill. He later opened a general store and applied for a post office where he became the first postmaster of Driftwood, Texas in 1886. He died in 1901 and is buried in the Driftwood cemetery.
The William J. Cannon Boosters -- $250 William Cannon obtained half of the Widow Freelove Woody's grant from Milam in exchange for paying to have her land surveyed. He named the area he settled north of Driftwood - Cannonville. He was a booster for the area and led a successful effort to have it declared as the county seat of Hays County. The Civil War intervened, and the county seat stayed in San Marcos.
The Widow Freelove Woody Grantees -- $500 The Widow Freelove Woody received one of the original land grants from Ben Milam in 1835. Her land includes much of the present-day Driftwood, including the Post Office, Community Center, Church and Cemetery. She never lived on the land which was still in the territory of Native Americans and not suitable for a widow with children. She sold a portion of the land for $3,000.
William B. Travis Heroes -- $1,000 William Barrett Travis died commanding the Texas forces at the Alamo on March 6, 1836. He was one of the Milam colonists who received title to a league of land in the Driftwood area from the Mexican government in 1835. His children sold the land in 1854 with his son Charles taking payment in cypress shingles harvested from the land and delivered to Austin.
Get Household Membership Online
Household Membership Form
The completed form may be mailed along with payment to:
PO Box 314
Driftwood, TX 78619
Business Membership
As a business member, organizations have the opportunity to partner with local residents by collaborating and supporting the DHCS mission. Through this partnership, local businesses can directly engage with DHCS members and support building a sense of community and belonging between businesses and Driftwood area residents. The annual fee for a business membership is $100, however donations above $100 are most welcome.
Questions? Email us at membership@driftwoodhcs.org
Membership Benefits
Listing on DHCS website under Business Directory w/contact and category information
One presentation for your goods and services at the monthly DHCS General Meeting (mutually agreed upon date)
Metal membership sign and / or representative decal for posting
Email communication to the DHCS community in our normally scheduled newsletter announcing your business membership with offered products and services. ( Note: We do not allow access to our members’ email or contact information.)
Notification of availability for sponsorships and hosting events
Resource for existing Driftwood residents
Resource for new area residents
Get Business Membership Online
Business Membership Form
The completed form may be mailed along with payment to:
PO Box 314
Driftwood, TX 78619